Good Office Day | design + development, assistant creative director

Good Office Day lives in the intersection of well-being, well-working, and good design. Renewable, biodegradable, and compostable, Good Office Day products are rooted in one place: the Earth.

Available at Target and

Field trip by Good Office Day | design + development, assistant creative director

Rooted in consciously sourced and sustainable materials, Field Trip is an earth-conscious stationery collection for students with the planet’s wellbeing at its core.

Available exclusively at Target.

Noted by Post-it® | design + development, assistant creative director, talent

Noted by Post-it® is a collection of desktop accessories that help inspire, wrangle, and commemorate life’s most notable moments.

Available at, Target, Office Depot, Staples, and Walmart.

PackT by Scotch™ | design + development

PackT by Scotch™ is a fresh line of modern mailroom essentials designed with sustainable features, functionality, and good-looks in mind—because sending a package should be as much fun as receiving one.

Available at Target and